Monday 14 November 2022

Will It Come Home Again?

With the 2022 World Cup in Qatar about to go underway, it can not be helped but to look back to the 2018 World Cup in Russia. This was the first time in decades the whole of England felt like the trophy could be in touching distance again. Gareth Southgate’s Lions done the unthinkable and made it to the final four, with an early goal from Trippier in the 5th minute of the game the countries spirits were high. But sadly this wasn’t to last, Croatia won in extra time finishing our World Cup dreams that year with a 2-1 loss and 4th place in the tournament.[1]


To remember what it was like for England to win, you’ve got to go back to the summer of 1966, July 11th until July 30th, Not only did the English Lions get to lift the trophy at the end, it was on home ground at none other than Wembley Stadium.

The stage was set from the start with the games themselves being declared open by her majesty, Queen Elizabeth II herself.[3] The World Cup had already been broadcasted to television since 1954, and with the bettering economy in England after World War 2, it meant that a lot of homes across the country could watch from the comfort of their own homes in 1966.[4] It was an eventful tournament from the offset, North Korea qualified for their first World Cup as extreme underdogs, Playing most of their games in Middlesbrough’s Ayresome Park, the Asian side became idolized by the locals after passing through the group stage with by beating the two-time world champions Italy.[5]

England’s final test of the event was the final against West Germany in Wembley Stadium on Saturday the 30th of July, the game was filled with highs, lows and controversy, what more could you want from a World Cup final? With 96,924 in attendance at Wembley and an estimated 32.3 million Brits watching or listening to the broadcast and a further 400 million people globally[6] it was going to be heard around the world. West Germany got on the board first in the 12th minute, with a goal from Haller, it was answered 6 minutes later by Geoff Hurst in the 18th minute to make it 1-1. The game remained tied until the second half when Martin Peters scored in the 78th minute. Against all, the Germans rallied and equalised in the 89th, sending the game to overtime 2-2.

Going into overtime, every fan’s worse nightmare, but the Lions were ready. Probably the most controversial goal and call in World Cup history, Hursts 2nd goal making it 3-2, bouncing off the crossbar and onto the goal line.

The controversial goal itself.

Finally, in the 120th minute Hurst scores his third goal to seal the deal, also making him the only player in FIFA history to score a hattrick in a World Cup final. Then at last, it finally came home, will 2022 be a repeat?

[1] “2018 FIFA World Cup Russia™.” 2022. His Highness the Amir and FIFA President Visit Doha Exhibition Centre. FIFA. Accessed November 1.

[2] World Cup Poster 1966. 2022. FIFA. FIFA. Accessed November 1, 2022.

[3] What Made England so '66? FIFATV. Accessed November 1, 2022.

[4] Chisari, F. “When Football Went Global: Televising the 1966 World Cup.” Historical Social Research 31, no. 1: 42–54. Accessed November 1, 2022.

[5] BBC Sport, ‘The Story of the 1966 World Cup’ 16 May 2014 Accessed November 1, 2022

[6] Chisari, F. “When Football Went Global: Televising the 1966 World Cup.” Historical Social Research 31, no. 1: 42–54. Accessed November 1, 2022.

[7] Panther, L. “England's 1966 Heroes Reunited at Wembley on World Cup Triumph's 50th Anniversary.” Mirror, July 30, 2016.

Monday 28 March 2022

The Gibraltar Constitution Order 1969

Self-Government for Gibraltar

Following the outcome of the 1967 Gibraltar Sovereignty Referendum whereby the people of Gibraltar choice to remain under British sovereignty, the 1969 Gibraltar Constitution Order and its developments begun. The new constitution that Britain introduced for Gibraltar in 1969 explicitly reaffirmed Gibraltar's link with Britain while also granting it full internal self-government. This was met by Spain's response of closing the border between itself and Gibraltar whereby they were deprived of its Spanish trade and major labour force. The Constitution was the outcome of the Constitutional Conference chaired by Malcolm Shepherd, 2nd Baron Shepherd which lasted from 16 July to 24 July 1968. The Gibraltarian members of the Constitutional Conference were Joshua Hassan (went on to become the 1st Chief Minister of Gibraltar, serving 4 terms as Chief Minister over a span of 20 years), Aurelio Montegriffo and Abraham Serfaty for the Association for the Advancement of Civil Rights; Robert Peliza (2nd Chief Minister of Gibraltar), Maurice Xiberras and legal advisor Sir Frederick Bennet for the Integration with Britain Party; and Peter Isola.


The 1969 Constitution will always be remembered for its Preamble. The Constitutional Talks almost broke down in 1968 for this point specifically. For the Gibraltarians, it was the most important aspect of the 1969 Constitution as they felt it be crucial.

The Preamble read as follows:

" Whereas Gibraltar is part of Her Majesty's dominions and Her Majesty's Government have given assurances to the people of Gibraltar that Gibraltar will remain part of Her Majesty's dominions unless and until an Act of Parliament otherwise provides, and furthermore that Her Majesty's Government will never enter into arrangements under which the people of Gibraltar would pass under the sovereignty of another state against their freely and democratically expressed wishes..."

This preamble has been called the "single most significant statement made on the sovereignty of Gibraltar since the singing of the Treaty of Utrecht" (Peter Gold, 2005).

The Gibraltar 1969 Constitution Preamble engraved onto a stalactite at the Gibraltar Museum

The Constitution

On 24 July 1968, the Government of Spain under the leadership of General Francisco Franco, complained to the United Nations Secretary General claiming that the constitutional talks were a 'further obstacle to the solution of Gibraltar's future', a statement that was met by rejection from the Government of the United Kingdom. On 30 May 1969, the Constitution was published coming into immediate effect with elections due to be scheduled on the 30 July of the same year. The Spanish Government's thoughts on the agenda was clear as they described the promulgation of the United Nations Resolutions and a violation of the Treaty of Utrecht. What followed was the decision to close the land border between Spain and Gibraltar.

Sir Joshua Hassan, 1st Chief Minister of Gibraltar and Gerald Lathbury, Governor of Gibraltar in 1967

The Constitution gives legislative powers to the Governor, who is the Queen's representative, and the Gibraltar Parliament. Gibraltar enjoys considerable self-government as the Government of Gibraltar and Gibraltar's Members of Parliament deal with domestic matters. The British Foreign Office nonetheless, is directly responsible for Gibraltar's foreign affairs, defence and security matters. With this, Gibraltar has its own legal system based on English Common Law but with her own statutes which are passed by the Gibraltar Parliament.

By Niall Serra

Sunday 27 March 2022

The Closure of the Border between Gibraltar and Spain 1969


The closure of the frontier ordered by Spanish dictator, General Francisco Franco on 8 June 1969 was part of a two-pronged approach on Gibraltar in response to the Gibraltar Constitution Order 1969. The first being a campaign against the United Kingdom at the United Nations. The second was direct action against Gibraltar and its people on the ground. The consequences were instant for thousands of Gibraltarians as well as citizens across the border, as families were separated and was a major impediment on the development of the 'Campo de Gibraltar' (located across the border from Gibraltar). With this General Franco predicted and expected the demise and fall of Gibraltar. He was proven wrong.

Citizens at the Frontier Gate protesting


According to the press, which was state-controlled, the closure of the frontier and cutting off of all types of communication between Gibraltar and Spain was happily welcomed by the majority of the Spanish population. It was proclaimed that as from the closure of the border, construction within Gibraltar would immediately come to a halt as approximately 1,500 Spanish building workers would have been lost by Gibraltar alongside around 2,000 Spaniards employed in servicing ships. In addition to these occupations, huge amounts of Spaniards were employed as bakers, electricians, mechanics amongst numerous other jobs in Gibraltar adding to the massive loss of income. In total around 4,800 Spanish citizens lost their jobs in Gibraltar. All those Spaniards working in Gibraltar were forced to leave before the border closed and there was to be absolutely no crossing of any persons under any circumstances with supplies and communications being cut off too. Franco reassured those Spanish workers that they would receive money for enough time to enable them to find another job in Spain as they would not suffer in any way. Moreover, on 27 June 1969, the Ferry linking Gibraltar with Algeciras made its last journey across the bay, meaning that Gibraltar became entirely isolated by land as well as by sea.

Spanish workers leaving Gibraltar with their belongings and tools before the closure of the border


Gibraltar turned to Morocco for labour and food, and strengthened its ties with the United Kingdom. This was seen through Britain's action towards Spain, for example, their complaints regarding Spain breaking internationally accepted standards of behaviour done via the closing of the border and termination of the ferry service. The Foreign Office protested "The Spanish Government cannot seriously believe that any British Government could hand over the people of Gibraltar to a government which has done them so much harm already and which demonstrates unrelentingly that its immediate object is to disrupt the daily life of Gibraltar and destroy the people’s livelihood." This also came after protests by Gibraltarians and their supporters marched through London to 10 Downing Street. Furthermore, the closure of the frontier helped shape Gibraltarian's sense of identity as a people as General Franco's attempt to bring Gibraltar to its knees had evidently failed. Gibraltar survived. 

For La Linea, Spain, the population instantly saw a gradual reduction, affecting the economy of the area resulting in backlash from the citizens there who engaged in protests and demands for the reopening of the border.

By Niall Serra

The Gibraltar Sovereignty Referendum of 1967


The Gibraltar Sovereignty Referendum of 1967 speaks volumes of the proud identity us Gibraltarians have of ourselves. The referendum essentially asked Gibraltarian citizens (voters) whether they wished to pass under Spanish sovereignty (marked 'A' in the voting ballot seen below), or whether they desired to remain under British sovereignty (marked 'B'). Of the 12,762 Gibraltarians who were able to vote, 12,237 'llanitos' (as us Gibraltarians call ourselves ~ pronounced yanitos) voted in favour of remaining under British sovereignty, whilst only 44 voted in favour of passing under Spanish sovereignty; with there being 55 spoiled ballot papers.

The Ballot Paper with the 2 options, written in English and Spanish


The 'Question of Gibraltar' under the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2070 prompted the governments of the United Kingdom and Spain to begin talks on Gibraltar in 1966. Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Fernando Castiella, made a formal proposal to Britain comprising of three clauses which went as follows:
  1. The cancellation of the Treaty of Utrecht and the subsequent return of Gibraltar to Spain.
  2. The presence of the British in the Royal Navy base in Gibraltar, its use being subject to a specific Anglo-Spanish agreement.
  3. A 'Personal Statute' for Gibraltarians, under United Nations Guarantee, protecting their cultural, social and economic interest in Gibraltar or anywhere in Spain, including their British nationality.

The people of Gibraltar were therefore met with this option entailing Spanish sovereignty, or the latter which would mean that Britain would consider the vote a voluntary relationship of the Gibraltarians with London, and would discuss with the local leaders any appropriate constitutional changes which they sought after. In relation to this, the Gibraltarians definitely made their thoughts on the referendum and the clear-cut choice known as Gibraltar turned red, white and blue.

The streets of Gibraltar surrounding the 1967 Referendum

The Chief Minister of Gibraltar, Sir Joshua Hassan, expressed how the referendum was "the first opportunity for Gibraltarians to express in a free and democratic way where their interests lie." This was in fact an indirect reference to the United Nations recommendations, that, while the 'decolonisation' of the 'Rock' (of Gibraltar) should be carried out, the solution of the problem relating to Gibraltar should indeed be in the interests of its inhabitants.


The absolute astounding victory for the people of Gibraltar was emphasised through the 99.64% of voters favouring and voting for British Sovereignty. It was almost a certain 'no-brainer' and was a vindication of Britain's arguments before the United Nations that Gibraltar was a colony that did not want to be decolonised. As there was no sign within Gibraltar of any popular or political movement pressing for an end to British rule, and as civil liberties in Spain under Franco were restricted, it was evident that the Spanish claim was to be met with a miniscule chance of success. Additionally, the behaviour of the Gibraltarians was adequate and responsible in their celebrations in red, white and blue as the Referendum Administrator praised the people of Gibraltar "for the responsible way in which they conducted themselves during a period when emotions inevitably ran high".

Poster demonstrating Gibraltar's desires to remain British

By Niall Serra

Friday 25 March 2022

Psychedelics - Hunter S. Thompson

 Fear and Loathing in the Psychedelic Era

It would be criminal not to mention Hunter S. Thompson when talking about psychedelics in the 1960s. The journalist/writer was one of the most influential figures of the era and he did not shy away from his use of (many) drugs, including LSD.

Hunter in his home of Aspen, 1968

 His most famous work is arguably his book ‘Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas’ (adapted in a movie starring Johnny Depp, who seems to be unable to escape roles of LSD users). The book is semi-autobiographical and recounts Thompson’s (under his alias of Raoul Duke) psychedelic experiences in Las Vegas. In its opening pages, the tone is set when Duke is said to carry a briefcase holding “ two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers... and also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of Budweiser, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls”, as he assures that “once you get locked into a serious drug collection, the tendency is to push it as far as you can”.

Illustration for Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas by Ralph Steadman (Hunter's close friend)

Thompson was introduced to psychedelics relatively late into his life, at 28 years old (in 1965) while he was following the Hell’s Angel’s for an article. From then on drugs became an integral part of his life. Thompson was quoted saying “sex, drugs, and insanity have always worked for me, but I wouldn’t recommend them for everyone.”, this is a feeling that seemed to be fairly common in the psychedelic era. Although he used LSD and other drugs like so many others, he did not agree with the hippie communities, who he believed had “never really believed they were the wave of the future anyway”, as he thought that their lack of political actions resulted in a drugged-out society with no aims.

Thompson’s LSD use is a cautionary tale of sort. One of his favourite quotes was “he who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man”, from Samuel Johnson and Thompson did turn into a beast of sort after years of abuse. Roberto Loiderman, of the LA Times, recalls a night spent with Thompson where he showed his dark side as they both did LSD and Thompson ended up aiming a pistol and a rifle “out the window”, terrifying Roberto and Thompson’s then wife, Sandy. Another side to Thompson was what Johnny Depp (who became a very close friend of his while filming Fear and Loathing) described as “a very gentle guy” who was “hyper, hypersensitive, hence the self-medication”. Thompson is a perfect representation of the 1960s artists as his use of psychedelics led him to create some amazing work, and some extremely powerful political commentary, but it also led to his downfall as by the end of his life, he made little to no sense, finally cutting it short by shooting himself in the head with his final words being “No More Games. No More Bombs. No More Walking. No More Fun. No More Swimming. 67. That is 17 years past 50. 17 more than I needed or wanted. Boring. I am always bitchy. No Fun – for anybody. 67. You are getting Greedy. Act your old age. Relax – This won’t hurt”.

Henri Crépin-Leblond

Psychedelics - Woodstock

Woodstock’s psychedelic legacy

The Woodstock Festival is one of the many music festivals which took place in the psychedelic era, and it is arguably the most impactful one in terms of its effect on culture and its timeless acts. It took place between the 15th and 18th of August 1969 in New York, on a farm owned by one Max B. Yasgur. Ironically, Yasgur was a straight-edge Republican who was a strong believer in the Vietnam War. Although he was described by the Woodstock promoting team as the “antithesis of what [the festival] stood for”, Yasgur was quoted saying “a half a million young people can get together and have three days of fun and music, and have nothing but fun and music, and I God bless you for it”, showing that he was either supportive of the movement, or a very good businessman. The festival itself was organised by four young men: Michael Lang, Artie Kornfield, Joel Rosenman and John Roberts who at first aimed for about 50.000 visitors, a number which quickly turned into 100.000 at pre-sale, and finally about half a million on the actual days. And it’s no secret that a vast majority of them were on psychedelics.

Poster for Woodstock

There is a reason Woodstock was never recreated (successfully at least). It simply came at the right time. It came at the height of the psychedelic era and as Michael Lang put it (in his book, ‘The Road to Woostock’), Woodstock “would be [their] political statement—proving that peace and understanding were possible and creating a testament to the value of the counterculture”, something that this generation was eager to prove. Although the drugs weren’t the main reason for the success of the festivals (probably not anyway), it surely helped to create a certain atmosphere and some unforgettable acts. Many, if not all, of the artists there were open with their drug use, and it’s been rumoured that drinks backstage were spiked with LSD. Roger Daltrey (lead singer of THE WHO), in his book ‘Thanks a Lot Mr. Kibblewhite’, claims that everything was laced in acid and that “even the ice cubes had been done”. It’s no surprise that performances from bands/artists such as Santana ( and Blind Melon ( were so special.
But arguably the most famous performance of Woodstock was Jimy Hendrix’s. Although the rumour that he stashed LSD under his headband for it to enter his bloodstream faster is questionable at best, his act itself was psychedelic. It was especially known for its rendition of the ‘Star Sprangled Banner’ which he distorted with his electric guitar on the Monday of the festival (

Hendrix performing

The Woodstock festival was born out of the psychedelic era but it also kickstarted a sub-culture in the following years, to the point that David Crosby (who performed there) described it as “the Big Bang”, although the era ended in the 1970s as the counterculture died down and drug problems rose, there were a few years where psychedelic use and music culture went hand in hand, something that is re-emerging today with the psychedelic renaissance.

Henri Crépin-Leblond

Psychedelics - The Birth of the Psychedelic Era

Birth and controversies of the Psychedelic Era  

The music and culture of the 1960s was majorly impacted by the use of psychedelics, in particular LSD (or “acid”). But before it inspired musicians such as The Beatles, Bob Dylan, Jimmy Hendrix and so many more, its use was arguably questionable.

Albert Hoffman, the father of LSD

 LSD was created in 1938 by chemist Albert Hoffman, who accidently tested it on himself on the 16th of April 1943, it then took about ten years for the drug to be used in psychiatric research. Before it became a recreational drug, LSD was used with relative success to cure alcoholism from the 1950s onwards. As much as 40.000 people were given the drug (between 1950 and 1965), but out of those, only a small fraction was warranted. Patients suffering from schizophrenia, neurosis or even autism (especially children) were subjected to those experiments, with negative results swept under the rug, so much so that data is hard to find on those events. One of the more questionable use of the drug was an experiment led by the CIA and US Military from the late 1950s; it involved giving LSD to prisoners to see if it could be used as a “truth drug”. The life-changing experiment on criminal Whitey Bulger (portrayed by Johnny Depp in the movie Black Mass) is one of its most famous cases due to its public nature. Sent to prison in the mid-1950s for armed robbery, Bulger was subjected to the MK-Ultra program. Him and his fellow inmates were told that the research would go towards “curing schizophrenia” which of course was a lie. Coming out of prison in the mid-1960s, Bulger went on to become one of Boston’s most violent gangsters and it’s argued today that this switch from his early crimes was caused by his experience in prison. Bulger was dosed 50 times and suffered his whole life from “auditory and visual hallucinations and violent nightmares”, during those experiments Bulger was set in front of monitors and repeatedly asked “Would you ever kill anyone?” and other leading questions. Looking at this, it’s easy to see why George Harrison claimed that "so much paranoia [was] created around the drug" during an interview on the Dick Cavett Show in 1971.


Sketch of Whitey Bulger at his trial, 2013

But it was in the early 1960s that the true Psychedelic Era started. The use of LSD exploded among hippie groups and became part of the 1960s counterculture, especially as it became illegal in 1966, giving yet another way to go against the government. Artists did not shy away from their use of acid, as psychedelic sounds and album covers became the norm, leading to the birth of “acid rock”. Looking at the Beatles, the switch between Help! (1965) and Revolver (1966) is obvious. The difference in sound and lyrics between the tracks, going from classic songs such as ‘Ticket to Ride’ ( with fairly innocent lyrics to ones such as ‘Love You Too’ ( with the lyrics “Make love all day long, Make love singing songs”, is a good indicator of the start of the Psychedelic Era.


Henri Crépin-Leblond