Friday 24 November 2017

It's like living in 1962?

It's like living in 1962?

 The Cuban Missile Crisis took place in 1962 and was arguably the most dangerous crisis of the cold war period. The crisis saw two super-powers nearly come to a nuclear conflict. The conflict happened as a result of the Soviet Union installing nuclear missiles in Cuba. The United States saw this as a threat to their national security as the missiles could hit the US quickly. In retaliation, Kennedy launched a naval blockade around Cuba to prevent more missiles being transported there. Kennedy also sent an ultimatum to Khrushchev that stated he wanted all missiles that were in Cuba to be removed or military force would be used. The Soviets did not answer for a while which left America in suspense. Tensions were increased further when Major Rudolf Anderson was killed whilst flying over Cuba as his plane was shot down. There was much concern amongst the American citizens about Kennedy’s choices at this scary time. Many feared there was going to be a nuclear conflict and gathered gas and food. The crisis was eventually resolved as Kennedy agreed to take US missiles out of Turkey and not to invade Cuba in return for the missiles to be removed from Cuba. Although the crisis was resolved, it did make the Soviet Union improve their missiles in Russia so they would be able to reach the US.

Members of the Public warn Kennedy

In the present day, a similar crisis is essentially happening between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-Un. Kim Jong-Un has conducted several tests with nuclear bombs which is concerning people internationally. There is much tension and suspicion over the matter. No one knows any accurate details about what type of bomb North Korea is testing or if they have the resources to make a nuclear warhead small enough to fit a missile. But, the fact that North Korea is testing nuclear bombs is a worrying prospect. In retaliation to this Trump has given some alarming warnings to Kim Jong-Un. In a recent speech to the United Nations Trump goes into detail about how oppressive and inhumane the regime in North Korea is. He then says if the US is forced to defend its self then it will ‘totally destroy North Korea’.[1] In another speech Trump states that the regime will see a brighter future if they neglect their weapon programme. Again, he also warns that he is willing to use military action if essential. The speech is very aggressive throughout and includes phrases such as ‘do not try us’. [2] In retaliation to this speech, in a North Korean newspaper they speak of Trumps criticism of their regime and state ‘he should know that he is … sentenced to death by the Korean people’. [3] Kim Jong-Un has also showed no sign of halting any progression with his weapon programme. The leaders of the North regime have God-like powers so any insults towards their regime are not taken lightly.

These exchanges of threats and insults makes us think that a nuclear conflict could be possible. The same worry that people would have felt in 1962. Both of the events are threatening in the same way. The United States is threatening to use military action if another country’s actions do not stop. The Cuban Missile Crisis could be argued to be slightly more threatening as after the embarrassment of the Bay of Pigs, Kennedy had to look as if he was a strong cold war leader so would be more likely to use military force. Moreover, the Soviet Union had missiles in Cuba that could easily reach America if Kennedy did decided to attack. It is uncertain if Kim Jong-Un has the facilities to launch a nuclear weapon that could hit the US which makes this crisis slightly less threatening.[4] However, with Kim Jong-Un’s reluctance to halt any progression with his weapon programme and the constant exchange of threats and insults between Trump and Jong-Un, we are not far from feeling like those who lived through 1962.

Kim Jong-Un (left), Donald Trump (right)

[1] Julian Borger, ‘Donald Trump threatens to ‘Totally Destroy’ North Korea in UN Speech’, The Guardian, Tuesday 19 September 2017,  ,(accessed 22nd November 2017)
[2] Bennjamin Haas, ‘Trump Warns North Korea’s Kim Jong-Un: Don’t Try Us’, The Guardian, Wednesday 8 November 2017, , (accessed 22ND November 2017)
[3] Agence France-Presse, ‘North Korea ‘sentences Trump to death’ for insulting Kim Jong-Un’, The Guardian, , (accessed 22nd November 2017)
[4] BBC News , ‘North Korea's nuclear programme: How advanced is it?’, , (accessed 22nd November 2017)

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